Can you use baking soda to enlarge your penis? Characteristics of the method and comments from men

The short penis is the source of the complex. Due to the breakdown of the relationship between its partners, a person will constantly feel psychological discomfort. In order to gain recognition from women and get rid of dissatisfaction with penis size, one can prepare anything until the experiment is conducted at home.

Traditional medicine offers many solutions to this problem, one of which is to use regular baking soda. This option is relatively new, but it has been well received by men and doctors. However, many people still doubt this because they believe that sodium carbonate will not affect the size of the penis. Therefore, more and more patients are turning to doctors to ask if it is really possible to use soda to enlarge their penis, or if this is all a scam.

How does soda extend the penis

Professor I. P. Neumyvakin first talked about the benefits of baking soda for men. He studied the properties of sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of the digestive tract, and noticed that regular intake of a teaspoon of this microcrystalline powder aqueous solution not only has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

How soda water lengthens the penis

Patients treated with soda water showed the following changes:

  • The erection is strengthened;
  • The signs of yang ot have diminished;
  • Normalization of blood circulation in pelvic organs;
  • The biosynthesis of male sex hormones has returned to normal.

At the same time, the male penis of the research subject became longer. The reason for penis enlargement is that soda can clean blood vessels and toxins and toxins throughout the body. After taking the solution containing its solution, the work of all important systems will be normalized, and the flow of blood to the penis will increase. Under the influence of a large amount of blood, the cavity of the sponge tissue is stretched. Therefore, soda increases the size of the penis and its diameter.

Important! In order to improve health and lengthen the penis at the same time, it is necessary to maintain regularity. Keeping the baking soda on schedule is critical to success.

Initially, some doctors questioned the effectiveness of baking soda in genital enlargement. However, after a few years later, after reviewing the final results of the study, they realized that it really helped. Since then, sodium carbonate has become the best self-allowed penis extender.

Sodium carbonate recipe for penis enlargement

After people in folk medicine learned that baking soda does promote male dignity, they began to invent various recipes containing soda. The following are the most effective sodium carbonate products that can extend the penis by 2-4 cm without the use of pills and other auxiliary drugs.

Penis scrub

In the past, men rubbed baking soda into dry genital skin without using any other ingredients. This process also helps to obtain results, but has disadvantages:

  • Stimulate the epidermis;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Small punctate wound;
  • Itching and burning.

This is due to the dry crystal scratching the fragile tissue. Therefore, you need to spend some time preparing the scrub, which gently affects the skin of the penis without damaging the penis.

Soda water with raw eggs

Prepare the tool like this:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  2. If the gruel is liquid, add a little flour to it;
  3. Mix the prepared mixture with a few drops of ginseng essential oil and put it in the refrigerator.

After 40 minutes, take out the scrub and heat it to body temperature in a water bath. Then apply the product to the washed penis and rub it thoroughly through massage movements. After that, you need to wait until the scrub is dry and crusts. Then wash with warm water.

Repeat the process of applying the soda water mixture to the penis every day for one month. At the end of this time, the condition of the reproductive organs will be improved and the penis will be extended to 3 cm.


To compress, you will need:

  • Soda water-1 teaspoon;
  • Warm water in a glass;
  • Essential oil (any, optional);
  • Bandage or sterile gauze.

Add two drops of essential oil and baking soda to the glass. All of this was stirred. In the final solution, the gauze or bandage is moistened and wrapped around the penis. The water is warm, which is very important. Cold compresses should not be applied to private areas.

The event should be held twice a day. Term-from 1 month to 40 days. After the penis has completely cooled down, it is necessary to remove it from the penis. After the operation, rinse and dry the penis.

The result of using this formula is the same as the result of applying a scrub. However, if a person wants to obtain greater results with soda compression, they can use it alternately or in combination with other penis enlargement methods. This can be massage, vacuum pump or supplements, or dietary supplements to improve male health.

Important! You should consult a doctor before deciding to use any other funds. Some methods of penis enlargement have serious contraindications.

Paper tray

Soda water has become an alternative to compression. They will need a deep glass, a litre jar or a cut plastic bottle. Pour one tablespoon of sodium carbonate into any recommended container, and then add the herbal soup. It is best to prepare it from the following plants:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • Nettle;
  • St. John's Wort;
  • Carnation;
  • Lemongrass;
  • Rape;
  • Hawthorn.

You can also use coriander, ginseng or dill. All these plants have beneficial effects on the reproductive system, increase potency, and promote the growth of spongy tissue. The combination of soda water and soda water will have a dual effect on the human body-extend the penis by 3-4 cm and improve the function of the pelvic organs.

Pour 2 teaspoons of baking soda into the container of hot soup. Stir the liquid until the sodium carbonate is completely dissolved. Next, the penis is inserted into it. When the broth begins to cool, the program stops.

The process is performed in the same way as applying compression-once a day for a month or more.


Bathing is a simple way to lengthen the penis, but to make a man get rid of the penis without any problems, you need to follow these suggestions:

  • Before immersing the penis in the broth, make sure it is not hot. To do this, you need to drop some liquid on the back of your hand. If it does not burn, then everything is fine.
  • When using a cut bottle as a bath container, please wash it thoroughly and burn off the cut edge with a lighter. This can prevent the delicate skin of the penis from being cut and prevent infection from entering the urethra;
  • When choosing a medicine material, you need to consider the possibility of allergies to any plant;
  • Do not soak frequently. The instructions must be strictly followed.

Soda solution inside

Penis enlargement with soda solution

Liquid added with baking soda will not help lengthen the penis, but it can clean the body from the inside, which helps restore the function of the digestive tract and vascular system. All these have a positive effect on the state of spongy tissue, muscles and central nervous system.

The soda solution for oral administration is a supplement to the above method of expanding the penis. Therefore, it is up to the man to decide whether to drink.

It's easy to make soda. It is enough to stir a teaspoon of sodium carbonate in 250 ml of warm water. Pour the liquid in one sip, preferably on an empty stomach. In this way, you need to clean the body of toxins every three days (rather than more frequently).

Taboo penis enlargement caused by soda

Baking soda is an acidic salt, but when mixed with liquid it will become an alkali. This substance may damage the stomach and skin in some cases, so before starting to use sodium carbonate to extend the penis, you should be familiar with its contraindications:

  • Soda water allergy;
  • There are wounds, abrasions or scratches in private areas;
  • Infectious and viral diseases of the genitourinary system (used after consulting a doctor);
  • Diabetes;
  • Small intestine or stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis and other pathologies related to violation of acid-base environment.

If you abuse soda for scrubbing, compressing or bathing, a man will get:

  • Dry skin;
  • Redness of the penis;
  • Swelling of the inner membrane.

These are the side effects of the human body to excessive sodium bicarbonate doses. They do not require emergency care, and they will disappear on their own after you stop using baking soda.

Important! If sodium carbonate-based products are used shortly before intimate contact, the penis needs to be rinsed thoroughly with water. The acid salt crystals trapped in a woman’s vagina can cause pain and mucosal irritation.